Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Christianity, Muslims and Gays

On July 28,  on a Facebook Group's page, Called: "Debating Zionism", composed of former members of another group on Facebook called "Islamist vs. Zionism", shut down by Facebook for its inadequate use of colorful language, vulgarity, hatred and racism, the following comment and reply on that thread were posted.

"George: i am a Christian, i dont live in boston and im not a liberal ... i am gay and it's not a lifestyle. gay and straight are orientations people are born with. the Jewish law in Leviticus pertaining to male sodomy is not a CORE BELIEF in Christianity. i worship Christ and no Pharisee such as yourself can ever take Him away from me. im actually a better Christian than you because i dont go around judging people ive never met and saying theyre not Christians."  Eli Bierbers

   Now, Eli, to lead babes in Christ (young Christian) as Paul called them in  Corinthians 3:1; Galatians 4:19; astray, by perverting scripture, intentionally misapplying and misstating it, is, in itself a sin.  It’s a delusion to think one can be a practicing homosexual and be a Christian or Muslim.  Be careful, God, is not to be trifled with.  The hard undeniable truth is there are organizations created by the state that despite being founded on Judeo-Christian principles and values, pervert the Word of God, and can not be considered true Christian churches, case in point, the Episcopalian church and others.  Homosexuality has divided them.  United they stand, divided they fall.

   As far as Alisa’s professed faith as a Muslim, please, don’t pretend to be one, just because you are versed in its practices and traditions.  I’m not a Muslim, but I break bread with them, some are my clients, and I've even dine with Imams whose Mosque I have visited with my Muslim friends and I know clearly that homosexuality is forbidden in the Qur’an. 

   Alisa, you are as guilty as the Imam in Egypt, from the Muslim Brotherhood, calling for anal and sexual Jihad.  It’s hypocrisy.  It’s perverting the words in the Qur’an and other less educated Muslims than you.  You don’t see anything wrong with these perversions or his teachings?

   It’s over for people like you, unduly influencing the less educate in your community (other Muslims).  The gig is up.  The world is going to call you out on it.  That Imam in Egypt is one sick perverted old man, who has only hurt his followers.  Your barrister training will not be enough to persuade true Muslims to accept homosexuality.   They are just being human beings with you, polite, sensitive, caring, and politically correct. They are being Muslims.  

   You and Eli need too, if you truly believe what you stand for, make an argument for the normalization of homosexuality, or as Fadi succinctly states, “homosexuality” period, because it is not normal.  And, please, spare us the sophistry.  I haven’t read an argument from the barrister in training or Eli, a member of your gay community.

   Alisa and Eli, First, take the liberty to correct the English, or anything else you wish.  I’m here out of interest to have a meaningful discussion.  You can call it what you wish, a rambling, a rant, whatever.  I would suggest you take the time to read it, if you know what’s go for you.  It could change your life!

   But more importantly, I don’t come on this groups’ wall, or anywhere else on social media to insult people, subject them to a condescending demeanor, act pompous, snotty, or throw around insults as you both do here and elsewhere. I've read your comments on several threads. You try to be subtle to no avail. 

   When you both respond and subsequently reply to comments you shouldn't insult people in any way. It just makes you look jerky and intemperate. When it comes back at you, you then complain about it. Your guys are like HAMAS, pick a fight with Israelis, and then complain about getting pounded by the neighborhood bully; having conveyed that to you, I can go down to any level and communicate as well. if I did, you might end up needing to visit a psychologist. And, I don’t want to say anything hurtful to anyone. But, I’m known to do it. I’m still working on preventing missing the mark, when it comes to it, the only thing that likes people in me, is the Christ in me!

  Eli, Alisa, I’m sorry that you are gay; and struggle with it every day.  I can’t help with that in any way. Bestiality is not normal.  Pedophilia is not normal.  Goat fucking is not normal.  And, it also stands that homosexuality/lesbianism is not normal.  No matter how good you think it feels. 

   Alisa, you have given everyone here an idea of what I mean when I use the term ‘militant homosexual.’ My God!  You sound angry, and unhappy.  I suppose, that comes from an empty, godless, and secular life.  Homosexuality/lesbianism is your sexual orientation which is manifested through your lifestyle.  You think is cool, hip, and novo to be a lesbian. It’s not!  You advise women not to trust men, for no valid reason. How wonderful, misery loves company.  Tell us should men trust women?   Homosexuality is not normal, and it is an abomination to God!  It’s scriptural, I didn't say it.  This “tug” did not come up with that.  

   I agree people are born that way (homosexuals), in the same manner that people are born with other abnormalities not sexually related. Like mentally challenge, retarded.   Again, it’s abnormal.

   I cherish liberty and privacy, as an American, and as I have stated before.  I will be the first to protect your rights to be anything you want to be and live your life as you wish in the secular world.  I’m not just saying that, I actually have, before it was fashionable to be tolerant of homosexuals.  I did it during my college years as a student leader and representative in the student government association of a large university, a liberal one at that, and as an individual, who saved homosexuals from getting their asses and faces kicked in while walking the streets in Brooklyn, New York.  And now, that you know that, a little thank you would be appreciated.

   Every culture produces homosexuals; I dare to say every family probably has one.  Somewhere, in the closet or out!  You first took offense and became abrasive with me because, I laugh out loud (”Lol”) about someone’s, to wit: Levi’s, comment that he would never marry a Jewish woman, even if she worshiped him. This was all being said in jest!  I’m sure, someone of your intelligent, does not need to be told I’m paraphrasing.

   Eli, My Lord Christ, did not come to change the law (Old Testament), HE came to fulfill it!  Your citation of Leviticus as to sodomy not being “cores believe” in Christianity is incorrect.  It reflects a serious perversion, intentional or otherwise, of the Word, of scripture.  Sodomy, it’s an abomination to GOD.

   I don’t want to take Christ from you, on the contrary, I want you to come closer to him and accept him as your personal spiritual savior, and get to know Him better.  I don’t want you to turn your back on Him, as you do every time you commit a homosexual act of sodomy, and fellatio another man.  I don’t mean to be hurtful, I’m just stating the truth, and I know it hurts because you want to be accepted as a normal person in the spiritual, Christian world, and refuse to hear the hard truth about your sinful nature. You only want to hear want tickles your ears, what fits; what is convenient.   Christians truly hate the sin, not the sinner!  I don’t hate you, I don’t fear you, I don’t care how you live your life, and it’s your life.

   It is in the secular world you are entitled to the equal protection under the law.  That’s where lesbians and homosexual men can find some parity to the rest of society.  You can be a Christian by resigning your homosexuality and struggle with the sin.  But you must repent, for your perverted sexual acts in the name of love!  It’s a binary situation, either you renounce it, or you don’t.  Again you can’t serve two Masters; you can, and are free to serve the world and your flesh, or God!  That’s called, free will!

   Eli, in everything you've written here, you have failed to follow Christ.  My Lord was humble; he did not profess to be “better” than anyone as you do.  In the context of this posting, I have made some comments clarifying deity, and doctrine, Christian doctrine.  And, what has evidently happened is that the truth offended you and Alisa as the homosexuals on this thread.  As a result, accordingly, I became the “tug”, you became the “better Christian”, I’m accused of “rambling” when speaking about Christ, or addressing your comments, it’s a rant, etc, etc, etc.  

   Do you both see the militancy in your reactions and the fallacy of your position and lifestyles?  Why push your homosexuality and lesbianism on the rest of society?  2% of the population at the most has a desperate need to be accepted in society as normal?  It doesn't mean you are a bad person.  To me the only bad is the militant gay.  Why can’t the militant homosexuals live and let live?  Which kind of gay are you?  Keep it to yourselves, who cares?  

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