Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What the Hell is a “Latin” or “Latino”? and Christianity and Being Gay

What a mess, we get into when we allow the Left, Liberals and Democrat Socialist designate, what is and is not, a politically correct term.  They despise it when it comes back at them.

The following originated as comments on a Facebook thread of an Al Jazeera journalist owned by the Qatar-royal family's Al Jazeera Media Network, a tool of the liberal media propaganda machine in America.

I wrote to participants on the thread:

“Ray conveyed  I had been “mean” to some folks in my comments and replies on a scriptural posting of his, and quick to anger - (that’s biblical). Since, Daddy Ray, came to [his friends’] defense, let me assure you, I’m not angry,  just having a little fun with some folks on his list that appear to be leftist, Democrat Socialists, liberals, so-called progressives that helped elected the first and last black President, twice!  I beg to differ, with Ray, but I’ll try not to impart with the appearance of being “mean”; but there are no guarantees afforded here!  Now remember, this is only Facebook.”
 My comments included the following and became controversial. 

“[D]on’t go crying to your wives, husbands, [lovers] and kids.  Stay strong!

 Anyway, there are some real numb nuts on this list; this is for my homosexual, leftist, liberal, so-called progressive brothers and sisters.”

There had been one or two people correcting and mocking my typos on the thread.  A homosexual being one of them, and tried to intimidate me into silence when he read a previous comment I had posted on the thread.  The following is that comment in its entirety: 

‘Spare me, the sophistry.  Its nice to quote scripture, and we can spend all night doing so (well, you can, not me, I’m a man in the world) but the hard undeniable truth is there are organizations created by the state that despite being founded on Judeo-Christian principles and values, pervert the Word of God, and can not be considered true Christian churches.  Case in point the Episcopal Church with two view points, one reality.  There I said it!’ 

The homosexual set out to correct my English.  He stated, “… Learn English, Mr. Vazquez”.   So, I refer to him as my homosexual “English” teacher.  There were others equally as rude.  Sarcasm is their style which is accompanied by a mocking demeanor coupled with finding the most trivial of things to distract from the substance of the issue.

I continue to write on the thread, as follows: 

 “Please take the liberty to correct whatever you wish.  My “English” language, whatever, here we go: Where is my homosexual “English” teacher?  Where’s my Jew that doesn’t believe in anything? Still, no one to explain what a “Latin” or “Latino” is, or is not?  I grew up with racism, that is the ONE thing the leftist, Socialist Democrats, liberals, progressive, poverty pimps, and godless Jews taught me well.  And I don’t care to be politically correct (“PC”).

Where are the homosexuals that have infiltrated and perverted the Episcopal Church and other churches the world over? Desperately, looking to normalize homosexuality?  What a bunch of pathetic leftist and liberal ignorant idiots of life! You are part of the blind being led by the blind in this country.  Use all the sarcasm you want, it doesn’t change what you are!

NOW, when you use the word “Latin” or “Latino” all you are doing is contributing to the obliteration of significant differences in these cultures.  These people enjoy and own distinguishing elements that set them apart from on another and are heterogeneous in origin.  They are not the same, to put it in simple terms for some of you.

It’s a Hispanic man’s cluster fuck when they refer to people of Spanish speaking cultures as “Latin” or “Latinos”. They don’t speak “Latin”, have never spoken “Latin” (with the exception of a couple of Jesuit priest) and never will.  They are more likely to learn Chinese these days and ought to learn Chinese! 

The leftist, liberals, Socialist Democrats, so-called progressives that use these terms are the modern day rapist of cultural identities when referring  to the Salvadorians, Argentineans, Peruvians, Hondurans, Nicaraguans, Mexicans, Guatemalans,  Dominicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Costa Ricans, etc, etc, etc. as “Latin”, or “Latino”.  You are raping them of their cultural identities. Period!  Those that argue that the term, let’s use “Redskins” is offensive, turn their heads, and look the other way, like the Germans did when the synagogue burnt to the ground in 1938.  People in Spain speak Spanish, like in, South, Central American countries and in the Caribbean.  One never hears the reference to the Spaniards as “Latin”, or “Latinos”.  They speak Spanish!  Should all people, inhabiting the African continent be refer to as, “The Blacks”, or “Blacks”, from Moroccans to South Africans inclusive? No!  Consider, Asians.  How about calling the Korean, Chinese.  That doesn't go over very well, does it?  Remember the term "Oriental"

“I apologize for nothing!  This is for my homosexual “English” teacher, and his “lover”, as far as the Church is concerned, well, sorry, you can’t live a homosexual lifestyle and call yourself a Christian.  Hypocrites!  To be Christ like, one can not engage in sodomy and fellatio as part of a lifestyle. 

It’s fallacious to preach the word of God, or claim to be a Christian, and then go home and engage in sodomy and be a fellatious homosexual in the name of Love!  And so, this is the question that plagues the Episcopalian and other Churches, this is the split I referred to in a comment above that ruffled my “English” teacher’s feathers.  I’ll stipulate that I did fail to mention that one, can be a gay Christian (there are many), and a member of the church, and preach the word of God, IF and only IF, you resign your homosexual lifestyle.  Pick your master, but you can’t serve them both!

To be fair, it could have been the issue with the dilemma churches face regarding its practicing homosexual members, or the  “Latin” or “Latino” thing that bothered some,   -   or, was it, that I was “mean”? 

The folks from these cultures in South, Central America and the Caribbean that use the term “Latino” or “Latin” don’t know any better, and do a disservice to their cultures.  Let’s not forget, they have been colonized and unduly influenced forever.

In light of the aforementioned, all I have to declare for you is my love.  Good night to all!  God Bless you and yours.”

To date I can’t find anyone, nor anyone of the pseudo intellectual on the thread to tell me what a “Latin” or a “Latino” is or is not!

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