Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Prostitutes at the Mass GOP

Gabriel Gomez, The Gift That Keeps On Giving…To Democrats via @sharethis

The acts of donating, helping and publicly endorsing the opposing party candidates by Massachusetts Republican Party MEMBERS has debilitated and demoralized the party from within and is the terminal cancer that has and continues to plague the Mass GOP besides their inherent bigotry which is ultimately what will destroy it, their xenophobia.  

These folks (this group of people that have hijacked the party on a state level and in Western Massachusetts),  - not the individual true Republican voter in the Commonwealth, -  are going nowhere fast and are ineffective.  They are good for nothing, except to hold titles, as ego enhancers, impressing themselves.

They couldn't get a Democrat elected in Massachusetts if they tried.  When in Massachusetts by virtue of being a Democrat on the ballot one gets elected.  They are treacherous and constantly turn on each other.  Any Republican candidate is better off concentrating on creating their own (local) political Republican machinery than relying on this party. If you build it, they will come!  

Don’t work for the Party, work in the best interest of the commonwealth and nation.  They lack organization, leadership, values and have prostituted their Republican principles.  The biggest prostitutes of morals, principles and values I have ever met in my life, are active MEMBERS of the Mass GOP.  That’s why they are politically weak and pathetic.  Their partyism is helping destroy the nation and weaken the commonwealth politically. These folks are done; all individual Republicans in Massachusetts are highly advised “[d]o not throw your pearls before swine”.  The alternative – get involved in the party and hope you don’t waste your time and money!

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