I’m 99.9% confident that you have tremendous love, respect, and admiration for your liberal and so-called progressive friends, as I do mine. But there is no denying that the left; our liberal and progressive, American bleeding heart friends, have been affected the most, and consequently, their ideas have become the most hypocritical; when it comes to standing up for what is right, or speaking out for the truth.
The ideas they have advanced in the past half century have failed us all, collectively. These days they look the other way, ignoring the plight of our nation and the slaughtering around the world, remaining silent. We all know what they really want, pretty pictures and nice little saying and poems in their post.
Because then, when they feel safe and the time is right, they will again go through the same self righteous pantomime all over again and wallow, once more, in their criminally bias selected moralizing from a suitably safe distance. Some folks are part of those that will give sight to the blind being lead by the blind. Fear none! Stay mindful and aware. Do not be afraid. State it! “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men” ~ Abraham Lincoln.